Thursday, October 31, 2013

Major Probs

Now that some of us are on the verge of making the transition into college, choosing a major might be one of the major problems for us. We don't know what we want to be because this decision is like choosing the path of life. The time span is dependent on which major we'll be taking. No one likes the idea of taking four years of general ed and then four more years for law school or medical school. Some majors take longer than others, but it's our choice on whether to commit to it or not. And the problem I've been hearing from all my friends in college is their consistent change in course.

I don't think I know anyone who knew what they were going to major in and stuck with it until the end. If someone has, then that person must have been really confident because the most common reason as to why they have changed majors is because their previous major seemed to disinterest them. Now, I have known what I wanted to major in since eighth grade and I haven't changed it since. Sure I've had a few doubts in my mind but they've only begun to stir ever since I heard about these switches. I'm afraid that when I begin medical school, it would suddenly frighten me into switching out. Sometimes I even thought of majoring in something completely different and then switch out just so I can reassure myself that becoming a Pediatrician is what I truly want to do.Yet, I don't want to make that complication in my  life. 

If you know what you love to do, then you should take that risk, right?

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