Monday, October 28, 2013

AF: Fletcher Checks In

So here we are in the last week before the quarter, and this assignment is just hanging there, undone. (You kids are scaring me; I know I'm about to get clobbered with a mountain of last minute work; last minute work is often rushed and careless work.  Prove me wrong.  Do a good job!)

A shout out to the writers: Kiara, Danae, Gia, Lindsey, Kevin, Savannah, and Desiree — and the commenters, Kiara, Danae, Siah, Gia, Savannah and Christian T. Thanks for leading the way and demonstrating to the rest of us how to get this done!

Please make sure you make a visit to and see what kind of help you might find.  I am starting to read essays.  If you are finished, if you have a draft that you feel pretty solid about, give it to me.  Just turn it in early.  You can hang on to all your drafts and all the background work until we have the official collection time on Thursday...but if you have something you want me to read on Tuesday or Wednesday, bring it on.  I'm climbing into the essay reading saddle, and I'll be there for a few weeks.

I have a Peter Elbow presentation that I am getting ready to give about writing with teachers.  It is hard to get real with a teacher.  I do my best to take off that teacher persona, but ultimately you know I'm reading to judge you — but that is NOT why we write.  We don't write to be judged.  We write to communicate with another person.  That's why the blog is really a better place for you to develop your writer's muscles.  Write TO EACH OTHER.  Talk to each other.  I like what I see started out here, and I'd like to see it bloom and flourish.

I'm out!
Peace and love,

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