Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hopefully this blog isn't a failure

There is almost no way for anybody to achieve a major goal or acquire a certain skill without experiencing failure. We need to go through circumstances with some sort of failure in order to either motivate us, or teach us that we have done the wrong thing. The process of trial and error is a beautiful thing which can shape our performance and nearly perfect us in the area we are attempting to succeed in. Where would we be if we had never failed? We would be nowhere. We would be stuck in the old ways that do not make us excel in anything. I'm glad i have failed and learned to fail. Failure for me is one of my biggest successes.


  1. Preach it Jetpack! its very true though, every invention that is fully functional today at some point in time never worked.

  2. I totally agree. A failure is a bigger success when you learn from that failure. It makes you a better person the more you experience failures because when you come across that failure once again, you know you won't fail because you have that experience.


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