Thursday, October 31, 2013

Worries and Concerns

     I can’t lie, reading “The 10 Most Common Excuses for NOT Going to College and Why They’re All Wrong!” really helped to reassure me that everything will be okay. 
     Going to college is a for sure thing for me. I know that I am going, but of course, I still have worries and concerns for what I might face. After all, I am about to dive head first into uncharted waters considering that I am the first in my immediate family to go to college. Things like “I don’t know how to apply to college, or where I want to go” and “I don’t know where all the money is going to come from” have gone through my mind countless times. But after reading this article I was able to breathe a short sigh of relief. 
     Many of my concerns were addressed in this article and I really think that it would offer some reassurance to people in a similar position as me. In addition, this paper really got me researching and looking into scholarships/college websites and I found out a lot of information. I wanted to share a couple of websites with you guys that I thought were really helpful! First, Cappex is an amazing website that is kind of a one stop shop for college stats and scholarships and I really recommend checking it out. Then, the California Student Aid Commission has a lot of information about what California has to offer to students who are new to college.
     I wanna know what you guys think! How do you feel about this article? What are your worries or concerns about college? Did you visit the websites, if so, did they offer any help?

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading this article in class but I forgot what it was about but I must admit I do have MANY worries and concerns! One of my biggest concerns is that my grades and overall GPA aren't high enough to get into a good college. I slacked off my sophmore year and a bit of my freshman year. I also worry about where all this money will from and what college Im going to. I also dont know what career im trying to pursue. I feel like everybody has their life together and have some type of idea of what they want to do but me ! Those are my biggest worries and concerns. I didnt look at your websites by the way.


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