Monday, October 28, 2013

What do we do !?

     When reading the article "Not Going to College is a Viable Option", I realized when I finished reading that I did not give it a fair read. I read it with a huge biased opinion of that if I want to be successful, I have to be educated. But when I stepped back for a moment, I realized that the most successful people I know in my life are mostly not what I would consider educated. 
     My grandfather, just recently retired from an extremely successful 40 year run as Senior VP of IT for Macy's, is a Cuban immigrant who, when began his career, barely even spoke English. He eventually had to drop out of college at Cal State Fullerton, only 20 credits away from a bachelors degree, due to the normal stresses of life. But through his amazing attitude and devotion to his company, along with moving around the country for his career, he discovered huge success. Although this may sound like one of those stories that everything just happens to work out , it has a point of proving the question ,"Do I need this college degree ? " If my fabulously wealthy grandfather didn't need it, why do I? Well, honestly , I don't have the guts to take that chance. I do not posses the relaxed mindset that I can work my way up and everything will be fine. I have this voice in my head that screams at me when I even think of not furthering my education. When Ms. Fletcher said in class that if an administrator were to walk in while discussing that college is not a viable option she would probably stop talking about it , I understood. Not because I think that she shouldn't be talking about it , but because it is frowned upon to put the idea into kids heads. 
     I think it was an enlightening experience to read about different options, and for many people these may be good options. I think I have to get my education to be successful. But what about you guys? Do you think you absolutely need it , or would you be okay without it? Maybe only an associates degree? Trade school?

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