Thursday, October 31, 2013

Diabolical Innocence and Honest Mishchief

I honestly dont.know what to write about so before i start i should apologize. I will ramble and most of it wont make sense.  When most people look at me they asume i am either a angel Or the devil himself. Both are horribly mistaken . The honest truth of the matter is many people arent one or the other,there both. Everyone has some good in them and some bad. If you dont believe that think about your life as young child. Some of us were bad little baebae kids. Kids who knew what they were doing but to carefree to care. Kids with diabolical innocence. Other were the good kids, the ones who only slip up when a "freind" persuades them. Or when there just not thinking clearly. These kids are the honest mishiefs ones. Now can we honestly say one .kid is really that different to the other. Both had there bad moments and both had some good. This goes fro crimjnals to. Yeah most of them did terrible things but does that really make them terrible people. Can we as humans say someone is a bad guy destroying the memories of every moment they felt like a good guy.It's not always that easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. Sinners can surprise you. And the same is true for saints. So why do we try to define people as simply good or simply evil?Because no one wants to admit that compassion and cruelty can live side by side in one heart. And that anyone is capable of anything.


  1. I agree that men have the capacity to be good and evil. We categorize people as good are evil so quickly with no explanation. But a criminals potential for good does not justify their crimes. This brings up an important question I have always thought about. When the is no rules, are men naturally evil or naturally good. One of the most interesting movie scenes I ever watched was in Batman movie "The Dark Knight." The villain, the Joker, wanted to ask this same question. He gave two boats full of people the chance to blow the other boat up. At midnight, one had to blow up the other. However, both sides couldn't do it. This gave me a chill. It may be a movie seen but it seemed so realistic. I truly believe that men are naturally good and the evil is a minority.

  2. I agree that good & bad can coexist, like how parents sometimes hit their kids to teach them not to commit certain acts emphasizing the severity of not repeating that situation.


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