Tuesday, October 29, 2013

feelings of pessimism

In a comment a student says that "feelings of pessimism are later conquered in the day"; this intrigued me because the fact is that this is true; it's true because the fact us that people have friends in classes that just make them laugh or feel good. like Justin Tompkins said he goes to class and even through the frustration of his friend Eric Cervantes who when unsatisfied with his work throws his work into the center of the table and even though he's frustrated they both start laughing because they; when all said and done they're friends and they feel happy around each other and that's what should happen with all of us. We should be able to go to college, and when we leave the classroom be able to call the friends we made in highschool. This is what happens with Highschooler's and that's what good about highschool and I see this happening with this class I now have friends who were only acquaintances and now we blog together. So when all is said and done and the laughter stops in the classroom i can look around and think "this is good".

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha I like how you said "now we blog together". I just think that is so funny. It's like this is Ms. Fletcher's very own Facebook, twitter, or whatever.I do agree with you though. It is great that could differ in opinions and even express ourselves and still be friends afterwords. Some of us need to learn that grudges are just not cute.


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