Sunday, October 27, 2013

Failure is a viable option

       In the article, "Want to Get Into College? Learn to Fail" by Angel B. Perez, it says, "The lessons of failure can't be taught in a classroom; they are experienced and reflected upon." Failure forces us, seniors, to grow, learn, overcome, and move on. Move on to bigger and better things after we've gotten up, dust ourselves off, and limped on. These so-called "lessons" that failure teach us are proven to be beneficial. I want to raise the question and ask, “Is failure good for the soul?”
         We do not attended a class name "Failure" and get a grade in it. Instead, we experience it, inside and out the classroom. Failure to me is life's greatest teacher once you have failed at anything. No one is perfect and should never aspire to be perfect. I agree with Perez in this article because many seniors want to perfect their college applications. Seniors!! Don't be afraid to admit to colleges any low grades in any course. Instead, embrace it. Learn how to learn from all of your mistakes. 

         Our life span on earth gives us very little time to reach our full potential. Failure gets us to reaching our potential faster. Failure makes our mindset act fearless of failing. It's a scary process, where we may stress and lack confidence but it's how determined we are to overcome any obstacle. We will benefit from working hard to get our senior year done with. We been in high school for four years and this is our last fight to the finish line!! Anyone agree or disagree? Comment! 


  1. Always the fortune cookie aren't you Gia. I agree with your post, failure really is the best teacher anyone can ask for, but is it really a bad thing to aspire to be perfect. Everyone wants to be perfect at something regardless if its getting ready for college or landing a tumbling trick. Its okay to want to be the best because how can we fail if we don't try.

  2. I agree with Siah. Yes failure does teach us and helps shape us into better individuals, but if we have no motivation to do something how would we fail at it? Everyone strives to be perfect or at least do their best. Once you have a goal in mind you know what direction you are trying to head in. Of course you aren't going to reach that goal without any struggles. Failure builds us up to face more difficult things without us even realizing it. I agree with you Gia when you said towards the end that "Failure gets us to reaching our potential faster." Once we have been through a number obstacles we are able to bounce back up and continue to chase after our dreams.

  3. Danae and Siah, motivation is not enough to make someone do something in my eyes. In fact, the solution to a motivation problem is the exact opposite of the solution to a follow through problem. The mind is essential to motivation. Once we fail, it becomes a mental game. Failure has a huge impact on our minds, we set steps to improve, and we learn from our mistakes. It's the same reason why I said in my thread that, "We will benefit from working hard to get our senior year done with." That meant to be a good way to look at our future, not hiding the struggles that go along with this process. Failure is sort of a necessity. It's all how you look/react to it. I ask you guys, "How do you think people should handle failure?"

  4. I really agree with this post ! We experience all different types of failure but all of them result in us becoming a stronger person. Sometimes failing makes you appreciate success even more because you don't ever forget how it feels. Once you've failed it seems as if it gives you a stronger push to do better so it wont happen again. Once you've realized you've failed at something, it gives you the mind set that you can really overcome any obstacle. You can actually benefit from failure, and that depends on how you look at it. You can let it bring you down or you can let it motivate you to do better and to try harder.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you Danielle for agreeing on my thread. I want to point out that you are correct when you compare the feeling of failure as "unforgettable." Failing at anything is very unforgettable and can be at times life changing! Most people indeed let failure bring them down and that's not the right way to react to that! We must begin to motivate others when they are failing at anything because it may help them. It's how we look at failure that will always be the way things may turn out for us. I'm ecstatic that you agreed with my point of view and am equally satisfied with understanding yours.

  7. Theres times that I have failed at things, and in the end became stronger because I let myself grow from it. There are some people that are afraid to fail because they always want things to be perfect. People react to failure different, therefore some people grow from it while others let it bring them down. Being that I am someone who has failed at something in my life before, would tell others that failure can help you, you just have to look it as an obstacle that you can overcome.

  8. I also agree with you Danielle. Failure benefits us in many ways, failure actually helps us and it also improves ourselves. I personally have gone through that whole situation. I've been through a plethora of obstacles these past couple of years and I honestly wanted to give up but then I looked on the brighter side, and by changing everything I have become a stronger person. In my opinion I think failure motivates you and pushes you to do the best you can because if you think about it you're capable of doing anything you set your mind to.


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