Tuesday, October 22, 2013


             Going to college is the best thing you could do for yourself. Don't make excuses on why you shouldn't go, you will regret it in the long run. I know we are all tired of sitting in classrooms, wishing that we were somewhere else. In the long run you will be thankful that you spent that time in college. Some of the excuses that we use on why we should not go to college have no real reason behind it.

         Many of us will be the first in our families to go to college. We might think that since they didn't go and were living alright i don't need to go. NOOOO. If we ask our parent I can promise you that they will say if they had the chance or opportunity to do it all over they would go to college. Plus, why not be the first? Be the person that younger siblings or cousins look up to, they will want to be like you and go to college too.

        College is difficult, I will admit that. If you are willing to work college won't be that hard. Colleges also have student resources, such as study labs and tutoring programs. You can even join study groups or get tutoring from professors.

       All of us just want to make a lot of money and have a good job. Studies have shown that college graduates make several hundred thousand more dollars than someone who has only graduated high school.  A couple hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money that you can use to buy things you want, (a BMW).  

         These are a couple excuses of the many excuses we make on why we shouldn't go to college. There is no significant reason on why you shouldn't go. Just think in the long run when you making hundreds of thousands of dollars you will be elated that you went to college.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I totally agree that there are no excuses for not going to college. It doesn't matter if you are the first, or if you don't think you are good enough. Going to college may be scary especially if you are the first to go, but once you do it, you are going to be glad that you did. Also, everyone isn't perfect, so you shouldn't use perfection to get into college. Four year universities aren't the only choice for going to college, so if you mess up in high school you always have community colleges. Although it might not sound good to go to community colleges it is. In fact there are areas in which community colleges are better, for example the time you spend to get your degree is shorter than if you were to go to a university. Stop making excuses for not going to college because you’re going to regret it in the end.

  3. Exactly college is not a bad thing. Even if you go to a community college first and then transfer to a university, at least you went to school. Four to six more years of school will not hurt especially when your making lots of money later. You’re right college isn't about perfection; college is about bettering your education and your life. Like you said nothing’s wrong with being the first that way you can show your younger family members that college is a good thing.


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