Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Not Another Failure Post!

Remember during the first month of school when were given personal superlatives to free write about? For those applying to colleges, did you find them useful when creating your personal statement? In a way I have found the superlatives, along with the Peter Elbow presentations, very helpful. Some of the superlatives, for me, were actually hard to write about. For example the one stating "Discuss your definition of happiness." When I first read that I wondered how I would take a topic so easy and break it down from my standpoint. Happiness is universal and I automatically assumed that everyone would consider happiness the same. But ( I know, you aren't supposed to start a sentence with "but") as I thought deeper into this topic I realized that people view happiness differently from one another. Moving on to the Peter Elbow presentations. We all, at one point, procrastinate and wait until the last minute to type up essays. Did you ever think that this was an actual strategy writers use? Or take free writing for an example. Don't you feel better after doing so? Well I do. I feel refreshed after writing all of my thoughts down when I can't seem to tell anyone else who doesn't understand. It helps clear my mind so that I am able to focus on writing essays needed for other classes. So far I enjoy this class because it's helping me discover new ways to make my writing more easier to understand as well as adding my own flavor to it. I feel like by the end of the year all of our writing will be improved. Maybe even those who hate writing will learn to love or at least tolerate it.

1 comment:

  1. The personal superlatives were very helpful to me as well. Looking back on all my free writes, I now see all my thoughts on paper. Seeing what was on my mind a few weeks ago compared to now has helped me immensely in this entire process, I feel like I have a better sense of what I really want to write about and what needs to be said in my personal statements. I'm glad that Fletcher made us write and share our personal statements in class because now I feel way more prepared than before. I'm more confident going into this whole college application process. Don't get me wrong, I'm still freaking out as usual but it's not as bad. But to answer you question on whether this was an actual strategy that writers use, I agree as well. Writing out your thoughts before the final product is ALWAYS helpful.


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