Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Heart of Life

"Pain Throws your heart to the ground, love turns the whole thing around, and no it wont all go the way it should, but i know the heart of life is good." So basically ask yourself if you would like to enjoy your life, or if you would like to live a miserable distanced life. You need to make yourself aware of every positive uplifting thing in your life. I love everyday because i choose to. Little things such as Erick getting mad at his writing and throwing down the center of the table, or falling asleep in an upright position can make my day because it immediately reminds me of all the great things i have in my life. Nobody said life is fair, but life is not completely unfair. I believe life is what you make of it, and life is willing to allow you to get everything you want from it. The heart of life is good.


  1. Optimistic versus pessimistic points of view on life. I truly agree on being positive on life. It makes your life and days more fun and makes you personally a better person. Thinking about the grateful things you have in life, the little things that help a person. I still have those pessimistic days no matter what, of boredom... of being tired. of being depressed, but those get conquered with positive outlooks in life. Being outside of the box and appreciating life, rather than being kept inside of the box thinking about all the little things that put you down (like playing my bad solo today). Having friends in life normally helps because they have that positive atmosphere and they help you get up from your fall. Never give up and just keep moving forward with a positive attitude!

  2. Positivity is such a great personality trait to have. I agree with Justin that you determine your fate. If you want to be down and sad all the time, that is partly your fault. You can make a decision to stay that way, or turn it around and make your life one to live for. In response to Mony, I do also have days that I feel the world is turning on me and trying to break me down, but I fight through those days and promise myself to have a better day tomorrow. The heart of life IS good. In reality, find good outlets that allow you to move on, and always be positive.


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