Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Guess What?

After racking my brain for quite some time, as well as looking through everybody's  articles in this blog, I feel like I should just put this out there. I’m not going to college (for a year.) I have  set my mind on this after experiencing the merciless eligibility scores and required essays heaving down on my neck with it’s insidious presence. I could just already foreshadow twice the amount of daily procrastinations and regretful choices for each course I take. The smell of loans is near; prepare yourselves. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the importance of education and what accomplishments it could give to others for their road to success. It’s just that in my mind set, and feeling confident to say that many others, feel that maximizing textbooks and courses is less as important than maximizing compassion and fulfillment in life both professionally and personally. So thus far in my own plans, I am just going to defer for a year after high school graduation, move out of the country, and take private art lessons. It just feels right to take one long deep breath from school and work, and then just get back into the bureaucratic cycle of daily activities in a state college.


  1. Your plan sounds amazing. Although I wish I could do the same, I'm afraid that if I were to take a year long break as well, I'll somehow end up deciding that I will just take an eternal break. You seem like an amazing artist, have you considered taking that up as a major? Because if you do, maybe going to college right after graduation won't be so much as a chore since you'll still be doing what you love. However, I do understand all the pressure that high school has been bearing down on us and the fear that college is going to do the same damage. So the decision you're making is respectable in my point of view!

  2. I agree. Most people think they have to go to college right out of high school and really that isn't the case. I really like your logic of taking a step back from school for a year, taking a breather, then go back because I feel that if many people looked at it that that way, they would feel more at ease and feel more excited about life instead of thinking, "Man. I have to go right back to school right after I graduate high school." Great point


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