Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Why Go to College If You Don't Want To?

Why are you choosing to go college? Is it because you see all of your friends going? Are you going because it’s what your parents want? Most students go to college because they believe they have no other choice. In “Not Going to College is a Viable Option” by Lawrence B. Schlack, it is shown that college isn’t the only way to succeed in life. If you feel that you don’t want to go to college or that you are not the “college type” then, you shouldn't have to go. Do what you want and stop trying to please others, because in the end you’ll end up being unhappy with your decision.

Some alternatives are going to the military, becoming a nanny, doing mission work in Central or South America, becoming a hospital aide, or teaching English overseas. If any of these alternatives are not in your interest, then you should find something that you are passionate about and figure out a way to make it into a career.

There are a lot of high school graduates that go to college and end up coming back home to go to a community college or just dropping out having nothing but a huge pile of debt. As Schlack said in the passage, “the decision not to go to college should not be viewed in negative terms.” College isn't for everyone, and it shouldn't be talked about as if it is. College is only for those who know where they want to go in life. So, if you don’t want to go to college or if you don’t think you are ready for it, don’t feel out of place because there are others who feel the same way.


  1. I agree with Savannah when she stated that many people go to college , drop out, and then have "nothing but a huge pile of debt," because this is such a true point. Many people start college in beginning not taking it seriously, especially when in community college. Then when it becomes too much pressure and too much to handle, they drop out. Another very common reason people drop out is because the job they have is paying the pills and they like making money, so why do you need to keep going to college ? Right ? I can see why many people make these mistakes because is it easy to make.

  2. I really think about this all the time which is why I agree with this post so much because I feel like im the only one who feels this way. Theres times when I feel like I do want to go to a university but then I know that its not where my heart is at. Being surrounded by so many peoples opinions, like my loved ones I forget that my opinion matters the most at the end of the day. I think that I would much rather go to a community college and take my general ed classes and work hard to get my cosmetology license.

  3. I agree with you. Going to a university isn't for everyone, some just cannot afford it. I just think everyone should get some type of education because it would definitely benefit them in the long run. Even if you're just taking one class or if you decide to go to the army or navy it will help you.


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