Sunday, October 27, 2013

Quote: What Does it Mean to You?

A quote that my mom has always told me is, “It’s better to have and not need, than to need and not have.” My mom grew up hearing this quote and she has been saying it to me for as long as I can remember.
One meaning of this quote is that you should always be prepared in anything that you do because you never know what can happen. For example, let’s say that you have a paper due and you work really hard to get it done. Then you find out that you are moving the week that the paper is due and you’ll be going to a different school, so you throw the paper away because you think you don’t need it anymore. All of a sudden, there is a change of plans and on the day before the paper is due you are told that you’re no longer moving. Now, you still have a paper due and you have to redo it because you threw it away. If you would have kept it just in case, you would have saved yourself the trouble of having to redo a paper.
Another meaning of this quote can be that you should be grateful for the things that you do have. Most times I don’t realize how important the smallest things are. Although I shouldn’t, I take the things that I have for granted. There are many people in this world who don’t have the things or the opportunities that I have, so I should appreciate everything that I have, even if it is small. This quote is a reminder to me that I should be prepared no matter what and that I shouldn’t take what I have for granted.

 What do you think the quote means?

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