Thursday, October 31, 2013

Half the world is starving the other is trying to lose weight

Have you ever felt you never have enough. I know i cant be the only one, we all have our selfish tendecies. There have been moments where we believe we absulutly need this or we'll die without it. When the honest truth is we probably won't even think about it next year. Whenever i get like this i try to think about those who couldn't even dream to achieve such thing. The part of the world that us "starving" for my item/object. Then  while  i persuade myself to forget whatever i was gushing about i suddenly think yolo. No really i do. I then start asking myself why not obtain this  why try "lose weight". Note this iem or object could be the iphone 5c or it could be a hot n ready pizza. Should we really throw away something whilst trying to mimik others. Or should we spend and pretend the other half dosen't exist.

1 comment:

  1. Many people have selfish tendencies which isn't necessarily always bad, but when we allow our selfish tendencies to be the driving force of what we consider our priorities to be, then reassessing what's more important in our lives becomes important for instance buying the newest video game simply to play the entire story and having it collect dust after your done with it is a bad choice, because it wasn't a smart financial decision.


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