Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Recipe for success

We spend money to go, leave our loved ones, and settle away from home, all for what? In the article, "Why Go to College?" gives statistics on reasons why we should go to college. I read this article completely in awe. There are two questions that sparked an interest in me. I wondered will these questions spark things in you guys.
          The article brings up the concept of "the big picture." Seniors, this is the time for us to imagine ourselves ten years from now. Like adding ingredients to a recipe, ask yourself, who do I want to be? What do I love to do? Who am I? Questions like those force us to think positively about our future. The article also discusses the concept of "Are we better off going to college.” This all can be like a master plan or recipe. I ask, well, are we? We are all high school seniors and after graduating, college will add to this recipe. It's a key ingredient!! It is proven that a person with a bachelor's degree is nearly twice that of someone with only a high school diploma. That is a great statistic to prove that this recipe is set for success. Yes, we will be confronted with the choice of getting a job or entering a four-year college. Yes, we will have to make the best decision for our future, mentally and physically. It's up to us to keep our word to work hard this year. Yay or nay?

P.s Wisdom from the wise Fletcher, "Just keep working and dreaming." 


  1. I agree with you that going to college is the recipe to success because even though we leave our loved ones or our homes we are trying to find our path to be successful. In the future all will pay off.

  2. I agree with this because college does get you a bright future. Nowadays a high school diploma can only get you so far. Even though college isn't the only rode to success, it does guarantee you a better life than just graduating high school. If you don't have a for sure plan for something other than college than you should plan to go to college. You don't want to not go to college because you thought you had everything figured out, and then you have nothing to fall back on.

  3. I could not agree more! College is the key to success and not only does college allow us to be successful, but it also allows us to keep expanding our knowledge which is just as important. It isn't JUST the fact that I will be able to become more successful that draws me to college, but that I will be able to expand my horizons and learn so much more about myself and the world around me.

  4. I believe pursuing a higher education is the greatest investment any person can make, because it's an investment no one can deprive you of. I don't see any possibility of opening more doors in the field of engineering i want to pursue without going to college to gain my bachelor's and master's degree.


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