Thursday, October 31, 2013


  I've always had trouble with reading something that I didn't want to read. English has always been my best subject, but its always been hard for me when the teacher assigns us to read a book that i'm not really interested in. Not that I don't give the book a chance, there's just certain type of books that I actually enjoy reading. I will read the book that the teacher assigns because I have to but it makes it so easy for me to lose focus. I end up reading it but not actually paying attention therefore I have to read it over and over. I enjoy reading fiction books such as ones I can sometimes relate to. Fiction books are more interesting to me because the stories are real so they make more sense to me. When I read a book I like I can finish it very fast but if not it takes me forever. I need to work on staying focused while I read because I need to brighten my horizons with reading different types of books.    

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This is exactly me. I have that same issue. English is my best subject and when the teacher assigns books, like you said, I read them but i don't get into them as much as I should, therefore I have to keep reading it over and over until I understand what's really happening. The whole time I was reading your blog, I felt like you were talking to me directly. Thanks for posting this. At least I'm not the only one out there who does this.


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