Thursday, October 31, 2013

anxiousness got the best of me

     I let my nerves get to me. I do not mean to compliment myself or brag, but I perform fairly well with presentations. What can I say I am pretty social and love talking. Today though I really let myself down. I spoke to fast, which in my defense is how I usually talk, but that isn't really a good excuse. That was not the only flaw in my presentation I noticed though. I let the music overpower my voice, did not keep eye contact, and my voice was just horrible.The old saying that "you are your worst critique" falls true for me. Reading some of the feedback, I should start by saying thank you to everyone for them, well I believe two things when I looked them over. One this person probably wasn't sincere with their scores, they just gave 10s for the sake of getting it done. Two this person was just being generous.
     Thinking on everything it probably doesn't really even matter how I feel about it. It was a small project that I over thought and I made myself nervous for no reason.When I say got nervous I am not referring to stage fright because given any day I feel pretty confident in myself to not worry about others opinion. I got myself nervous of how I met up to my expectations. It sounds cocky and arrogant to say this, but I hold myself to a higher standard then others especially when the work specifically represents me. I feel that effort and quality of the work you give tells you a lot about person. So I take presentations seriously. I am starting to rabble on so I will cut it short.
     So to recap I messed up in my perspective. A little philosophy of mine is to do work that makes you proud and to be confident. I really bopped it on this little life rule. Well, I am just going to chalk it up to just one of those days. Forgive my informality, but on a side note I thought that the baby girl that said she had stage fright was adorable. If your reading this babe I thought you did great.


  1. I think you did perfectly fine in your presentation, Kevin! It's very admirable how you were able to keep yourself together through it all. I couldn't even tell that you were nervous; I had no idea. And I agree that we tend to over criticize ourselves too much because we do know what we're capable of, but there's always next time to do a presentation and own it once again, just as you did. Personally, I enjoyed it because of the music to be honest, haha.

    1. Ha ha thank you. I still don't know about the presentation though. I'm glad you enjoyed it though. Yeah, I am just going to get over this and dominate the next presentation. Next time I will be perfect haha. Thank you love.

  2. That's great that you take your work seriously and here's is something that could make you feel better. Remember when I asked my friend to Homecoming with the guitar? I didn't speed through it like you, I completely ruined the whole song I made. I also was disappointed in myself because I strive to be my best probably just as much as you. However, imperfections are part of our nature and we shouldn't beat ourselves up about it. Even though everyone told me my guitar thing was nice, I knew in the back of my mind that they just felt bad for me. I really didn't want to be showered with insincere compliments. I even thought that Homecoming would fall apart too because I would mess it up too. Instead, I ended up having a great time and it made up for my mistake. We cannot fix the mistakes that have passed but we can try our best for the next opportunity.


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