Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The mystery of Life

Often times i find myself wondering about how we got on this planet, what created us or placed us here. Is it true that we were created by a "god" or was this "god" just a higher being, an alien of some sort maybe? The possibility of life beyond our planet is highly likely; therefore the possibility of the human race just being a branch of an alien race seems highly likely.


  1. We could have gotten on this planet through evolution. We started off as molecules on the planet to bacteria to creatures to homo sapiens to humans. This theory though, I would want to wonder how evolution really works you know. If it's actually believable. Science is one of the other theories you know! I'm still questioning both theories.. Has God created us? or has the theory of evolution created us? or possibly that alien race transferred from another planet to Earth has created the human race.. I wonder what the truth to life is..

  2. I think about this all the time. It's scary thinking about it don't you think? Like at night before I go to bed I just start thinking and thinking about things. It terrifies me! I don't think about how we came here, but what is going to happen to us after we die! Isn't it just scary? I try to stop to think about it because it's just creepy and scary. i just think happy thoughts! back to your topic! i do believe that their is aliens cause honestly if you think about it we're just tiny little things in this huge universe! so we can't just be alone. on your other topic... i think that we came here through the big bang! thats honestly the only way i could think of...

  3. Sometimes i feel as though the answer to whether or not we are the only living being is not going to be a pleasant answer. we wouldn't know whether the aliens would be a peaceful race or want to conquer us.


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