Friday, October 25, 2013

Is it really ok?

As I was reading some of the previous posts on the blog I couldn't agree more about what people were saying. Especially Desiree when she was saying its ok to fail and make mistakes. Although I agreed with her, and agreed with the articles about not going to college and not being perfect, there is still a voice in my head saying "don't believe them! go to college! do great things Lindsay!!"

This voice is upsetting me.

I feel like I'm not the only one in this situation.
You want to believe that it is ok not to go to college, and maybe you really do believe it, but there is still a voice in your head telling you that you need to go. And I don't know about you, but its upsetting me very much because I really want to believe that I don't need to go.

All our lives we were told to get good grades and do things that will help us get to college. Then all of a sudden our senior year of high school we get these articles telling us we don't have to go and we reach an epiphany like "wow I don't have to go. the word college sounds weird anyway".
But then you go home and actually think about it and you realize, "wait.. what was I thinking? I have to go to college". We were raised to believe college was the only choice and whether we like it or not, that belief will not go away.

so really we can keep saying that we don't have to go and all this "its ok!" and "I'll be fine without it" talk. But in reality, there is still that part of us that is saying "oh my gosh. Why am I saying this? Am I ok?"


  1. I love l-o-v-e- that 5-word paragraph. So sassy.

  2. Mmmmm, i think I'm on your side with this one Lindsay. Personally, i don't want to go to college, the only reason i plan on it is because of my career choice. If it weren't for that i would apply myself in a more physical aspect.

  3. wOw! You couldnt have said it any better. I hear the same voice telling me to go to college cause if I dont i might not be able to make good money and such things. Sometimes i feel like I only want to go to college just to make money. Sometimes i catch myself looking up "highest paying jobs" on google or what majors are going to lead me to the highhest paying job. I have thought about what i really like but then i looked it up and it doesnt pay as much. So basically my point is that Im scared to think about not going to college because people with college degrees tend to get payed more and i want to be that someone. Does it make any sense? Catch my drift?

  4. Wow Lindsay very good points. I really agree with you on this because it is drilled into us to go to college because that's the only way you could be great and that's not true. You also stuck a good point about being told all of this and then getting into senior and reading these articles and thinking, "Wow, there are more options than just college." I really like that one because it was true. These articles really got me thinking because I realized that people don't have to go to college to achieve greatness.


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