Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Is it Just Me Or.....?

       Okay is it just me or does it seem like most of our class is being a bit redundant? I see a lot of posts about the article "Not Going to College is a Viable Option." Yes, that one in particular is a very interesting topic but I think we should try and be a bit more different. We have so much more potential you guys!
      As someone who enjoys being an outcast (most of the time), I think we should do the unthinkable. Okay maybe not the unthinkable but at least more intersting. This is OUR BLOG like we have the freedom to become closer to one another as a class. I pretty much know a good amount of you guys but I would like to know more. I'm nice, trust me you can ask Danae Biddle or Janice Stanford.
       I want to know what colleges you guys are applying for and what you plan on majoring in. I truly am interested because I have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to planning for the future. I feel like all my friends have their entire lives planned out and I'm just here. STUCK. Like where am I going? What do I enjoy doing? Do I want to leave the state of California or should I stay here and go to the reliable Cal States that are pretty much everywhere? I'm really confused at this moment in time. No one in my family is able to help because none of them went to college. Does anyone else feel this way? I need some assistance! Let me know, I would like to hear your thoughts or concerns.


  1. Desiree I feel like this too ! I'm in a very similar situation, because not too many people in my family went to college either, and if they did, it was the type of way they don't want us to do, where they went, then quit so they could work, then went back then stopped to get married , etc... I understand when you mean when it seems like everyone else has it figured out, but don't sike yourself out, because they really don't. Every single one of us will pick a major and think we have our life planned out, but a year from now we will have a different vision for ourselves. For instance, I'm convinced in my head I want to become a corporate lawyer, but who knows?

  2. Desieree i so .know where you are coming from. Both my.parents went to a four.year college But i idea.why im going. I want to.sing not study but hey i guess.i can do both. Honestly i dont really know.where im going but i think thats of.the.journey. Not till I'm there.

  3. I'm glad you posted this Desiree! Just like you, I am going to be the first in my immediate family to go to college. It is exciting to know that we have made it this far and are about to embark on a journey through college; however, that is kind of where my excitement stops. I am overwhelmed with the thought of applications, letters of recommendation and having to leave everything I have known behind. I have many of the same questions that you mentioned above and I too have yet to find the answers. I thought I had it all figured out, but I am quickly finding that I do not. All I know is that I want to be a doctor who practices pain medicine....but I have no idea what school I am going to end up at or if I am going to continue to pursue art in addition to college.


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