Friday, November 1, 2013

Ms. Fletcher was Right

In the beginning of the school year we were pretty much cruising through this course and the Ms fletcher warned us that it is not an easy class and not to get to comfortable with being super chill in her class. Those weren't her exact words but it was her point. Well I was just chilling relaxing acting real cool and had no worries because we were just reading and annotating. Nothing real difficult. Eventually Mrs Fletcher assigned us worked and it still seemed like a piece of cake cause it was nothing hard so I wasn't really worried. Consequently, everything seemed to pile up out of nowhere and I felt like I couldn't breathe fresh air. This course got really stressing but only cause I wasnt using my time wisely , I think! Writing really isnt my specialty but I know this class will help me in the long run. What do you guys do to not let things get piled up like me? Do you guys get stressed over this class too or its just a breeze? Is English someone else's weakness?


  1. Same here, In the first week of school I thought the same thing. I believed that this class was going to be a piece of cake until the month of October. Ms Fletcher gave us a calender of what we are doing this month. She assigned us Peter Elbow presentations and personal statements drafts. Then I figured out that this class is going to require a lot of work.

  2. I know exactly how you feel. I am the worse at just putting my school year into cruise control. My natural abilities have allowed me to give minimal effort and still receive good grades but there is something different about this year. My minimal effort isn't enough anymore. My grades are way worse than I am used to and now I am playing catch up. Senioritis is not my explanation, it is laziness. With college applications coming up, I have been awaken. Like most of my fellow senior, our transcripts do not show our real potential because our efforts have been sub par. I have caught myself a little late but not too late. It is only the end of the first quarter, and for the rest of the year I'll be a hermit scholar.

    1. That sounds good PJ! Just maybe not the hermit part. I do think that you should put a lot into your school work and really make what we have left of senior year, academics wise, count though. I too have to start putting a lot more into all of my work because I have gotten a really lazy.
      Hopefully I don't look back on this comment later and realize that I am still in the same situation!

  3. I agree with you Jacobo, I knew this class was going to be essays on top of essays but I didn’t know we would have all this work at the same time. I would procrastinate and end up stressing over the assignments also. And yes ERW is the only class that is stressful because writing is my biggest weakness, but you are right, It will help me out in the long run.


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