Monday, October 28, 2013

Failure is an option?

       I believe that this is true up to a point. The reason being is failure isn't just to keep you down but to help you learn and succeed during the later points in your life. lets say that you graduate high school not knowing what to do whatsoever after high school other than that college seems to be the right course of action although you like most people don't know what they want to go into they just know that college equals more money. The one thing not all people know is that people don't come out of college with the same major or degree they went set on having or that they had in mind.
       My main point is while your in college or wherever you end up failure could lead you to wanting a new kind of life or a new kind of career. you could go into a college wanting to go into a field but that field is a large umbrella covering a plethora of careers and majors. You can only know what you're not suited for when you don't want to try those things. I know I'm going to college and i also know that I'm going to go there go graphic design, my situation makes for a great example, graphic design is actually a plethora of things, you could try many different forms of careers but truthfully only a few fit like cogs in a watch. Failure helps eliminate the different things that don't fit and show you the things that do and help guide you along the correct path.

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