Tuesday, October 29, 2013

'Not going to College is a Viable Option'

'Not going to College is a Viable Option' by Lawrence Schlack couldn't speak for me any more. I really don't know if I am going to college, I would like to think I am but I still don't know. I am getting driven away from college because of people telling me that it is what I have to do to be successful. Who is to say that college could or couldn't make me successful. If I want to be successful and be able to do get into a career who would know if studying that career on my own is less of a viable option then going to college and learning about a field of work that the professor doesn't even do, only teaches. With technology I can learn just as much as a professor can teach me and more and all that information would be easily accessible. This fad of college being a necessity to have a career will soon be over, employers will soon realize they want the people who are most educated not the people with a paper that says they are educated.

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