Wednesday, October 30, 2013

EAP 10/29/13

 We took the EAP yesterday. At first I was like "ugh I'm not in the mood to take this test." I don't think anyone wanted to take that test today. It was 40 questions long and it seemed like it was going to take forever because who wants to take a forty question test honestly? (I'm sorry Ms. Fletcher) It felt like an easier version of the English SAT. So at first I wasn't too happy to take it, but then during I thought that it's not too bad because it wasn't that hard. Isn't that a good thing if I thought it was easy? We got them back and I did pretty well, which I was kind of surprised. English is definitely my worst subject. I like what Ms. Fletcher did, how she categorized the questions on what subject they are and to show you what you messed up on specifically. It helps us all to see our weaknesses so we can become stronger in that certain subject. I thought it was just going to be one of those test to let Ms. Fletcher see where we are in our knowledge for english and stuff, but it was for us to know where we are which helps. It helped me cause I can't remember the last time where I was being told how my knowledge level for a certain subject is. 


  1. Wow this post pops out to me so much, I totally agree with you. I came into class not having any idea that we were going to take a test. I was so tired to the point where I kept dozing off and had to read the question about three times because I couldn't focus. English tests aren't my most favorite because of all the reading and I tend to just skim over it, but the test was helpful overall. Now I know where my weaknesses are and I didn't do that bad either.

    1. I agree with you. I love how Ms. Fletcher organized the test in the way she did, and made it easy to see what everyone needs to improve on. I'm happy i took the test as well (even though I also didn't want to take it) because it showed me what i need to improve on. I appreciate Ms. Fletcher for that. I noticed you said english is not your best subject, so i am happy for you that you did well on the test. Keep it up!

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