Thursday, October 31, 2013

Our Elbow Presentations

To be honest, when I found out that we have to do presentations on what we read in our Peter Elbow books, I wasn't all that happy about it. I was wondering why we had to present, and how that would help us. Once I saw how the presentations worked, I was very interested in what was actually going on. I was understanding the purpose of presenting the chapters we read, and that purpose is to inform the class about what Elbow advises us to do when it came to writing. I became interested in what people were saying about their chapters and one thing that really stood out to me was, it doesn't matter what you write about, just keep writing. It could be the most weirdest thing in the world but that doesn't matter, just keep writing. That is something that I plan to hold on to when it comes down to free writing. Another thing that stood out to me was, don't worry about the audience when you are writing. If you are writing a paper and you believe it's a pretty good paper and you like it, STICK WITH IT. Don't worry about what other people may think. If other people don't understand what you wrote, that's okay. As long as you understand what you wrote, that's what really matters (I believe Ms Fletcher told us that.) I appreciate Ms Fletcher for having us do these presentations because it is actually helping me in my writing and that was the whole point of this exercise.


  1. Every Peter Elbow presentation has stressed to keep writing about anything for as much as you can. I found Elbow's advice for writing my first personal statement to be helpful, since I usually have writer's block any time I have to write a paper.

  2. I really love Elbow at this point. His analogies and little stories and so helpful. He really helped ease some concerns or bumps I run into when I am writhing. I just wish I knew about him earlier.

  3. I agree with you because the Elbow presentations have helped more in understanding the different methods there are to writing. I would have never know that there is a whole process in writing if it wasn't for Peter Elbow.


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