Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Peter Elbow

I still have yet to present for peter elbow. My partners are Drew Donaldson and Justin Chu. I am a bit nervous I have to say, especially since some of the groups that have gone have done pretty well. That has made me a bit nervous. The thing that helps me is that I at least have two other people instead of just one in my group so that will help. I think everyone has those jitters before presenting, but I think that once I get up there and talk, if I do talk, it will all just flow out smoothly. The part I am mostly worried about is comprehending the chapter cause our chapter is kind of hard and the book is kind of hard to understand.

I was kind of upset to find out that I was going to be one of the lasts to present because I wanted to get over with it rather than to wait till the end of the quarter like I am now. Yeah it has its downside to present early because you're going to be one of the firsts to present so it has to be good, but its better to just get the presentation over with. It's like peeling off a band aid, you would rather get it over with than to drag it out. The good thing about this presentation is that when my group presents, we're going to present the same day as a lot of other groups presenting, so if our presentation isn't that good people won't really notice because they'll be tired of all the presentations!


  1. Oh my goodness... I'm presenting mine with Tiffany Whittaker soon on my part.. I actually have the jitters and I'm nervous since I haven't really taken in my idea pretty well. I'm not really good at presentations and I'm not good at talking in front of a large audience as well.. The more you understand the topic, I believe the more easier it is to talk about it. Maybe you should keep reading your chapter until you understand it.. Good luck Sebastian!

  2. In my experience I felt as if the presentation aspect of our Peter Elbow assignment was the easiest part. As the first group to go I felt like we did a great job considering it being our first presentation of the year. I know the anticipation is the worst part but if you go into this with a postive attitude I'm sure you'll recieve a positive result. USE YOUR TIME TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. I wasn't able to get a lot of time so I feel like I wasn't able to explain Freewriting to the best of my ability. As always I feel like I could've done better but I am sure that I will be more confident going into my next presentation. Do not fret my friend it is not that bad. I promise to give you my full attention [:

  3. I can feel your.anxiety. I am in a gruop with my friends and we are the last to present. Dont get me.wrong i love.presenting with my.friends but Im always.so cautious.when it comes to wirking with friends. However i do have.confidence in my team.and in you. I cant wait.to see you present Phineus.


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