Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What are we really eating?

I have always known that insects were always in our foods but I had little knowledge of it until we watched that video in class. I decided to do my research paper on it because I found it very interesting to know what kind of insects are we actually eating when we eat are burger, or salad, or chips. Come to find out, there are so many insects in our foods, every time I eat something i think about what kind of bugs I'm putting into my mouth as well. I found out we eat spiders, flies, larvae, worms maggots, and mites. Those were just a few of the insects we eat, there are a lot more, unfortunately. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) say these bugs are harmless and could be found to be nutritious to our bodies. They allow a certain amount of bugs into are foods to be considered legally safe. For example, the FDA allows an average of 225 insect parts into our macaroni, an average of 30 insect fragments into our peanut butter, and an average of 75 insect fragments into our wheat flour. It's gross but it's true. We consume these insects everyday, about two pounds of insects a year. That may not sound too bad, but the thought of eating two pounds of insects a year without my knowing it is a little gross to me. This is a reason why I chose this topic to work on. Knowing all these facts about what is in our foods is very interesting to me, and I'm eager to learn more.


  1. Bugs are yummy then! Since all the food we eat is good, then bugs must be good since they're in the food. If they are healthy for us then why should people be grossed out? It's not like you could see a big chunk of spider in your burger or a worm in your fries. It is most likely microscopical so why freak out? You can't see it or taste it and it is beneficial for you so just eat up and don't think about it! It is inevitable since it is legal to have that substance in the products.

  2. Sebastian you're right bugs are sneaky creatures. Bugs are tiny packages of good protein, so knowing that there are bugs in my non-insect tasting food doesn't bother me too much just viewing it through the bright side of it. There will always be something strange within consumer food that we know or have yet to discover, but by the time food makes contact with our gastric juices inside the stomach it's all history.

  3. I agree with Sebastian if the insects only do good for us there should be no worries. I would like people and especially Americans to learn the facts about insects and take a step forward to having more of them in our diets. We now know that they are nutritious and do no harm to us. If we get past the fact that they are insects and think of them as food it won't be so difficult to make insects a regular meal.


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