Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Let's say "Goodbye" to Antibiotics

My research topic is on the antibiotic usage on animal agriculture today. It started its use by farmers in the early 70s and has been increasingly becoming a problem in our food system today. I have done research on books, articles, and expert testimonies on how this use of antibiotics is hurting our food, instead of making it better. It’s sort of a coincidence how antibiotics are being used for animals, which are cows. These drugs are being used to grow cattle quicker and fatter. Antibiotics, for humans, are used to treat illnesses, diseases, and infections of our bodies. These drugs were designed for humans. I’ve researched to find statistics on antibiotic usage and they were devastating. 80% of antibiotics are used for humans, thus leaving 20% for the sick and the ill. This ratio is not okay. Cows are being infected with Mad Cow disease and all types of infectious diseases by being given antibiotics. This may be a signal to start changing our food. Likewise, with what is being put into our food as well. We must ban this usage of antibiotics, design a more effective one for animals, or entirely change what we eat. Any thoughts, comments, or questions? Comment below.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that antibiotics should be eliminated from animals' diets as well. It does more harm than good. If animals, particularly cows, were able to roam around the farm and eat grass, their natural food, farmers wouldn't have to give them antibiotics. In a way, farmers are just wasting more money by buying antibiotics because that money could be used for other purposes like buying each animal it's proper food. I feel that citizens should boycott those farmers who choose to give their animals antibiotics. For one, they aren't really doing their job. They're cheating by giving these animals pills to grow bigger and quicker. I feel like it's harming both the animals as well as us who consume the animals.


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