Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"Food connects people"

Usually in the midst of most events, the main question that occurs to one's mind would be, "Will there be food?" We are all guilty of it. It's never a bad thing, it's just always been an understanding. When people are taken out on dates, it usually involves food. When friends are going out to spend time with each other, it usually involves food. When families or sports teams go out to celebrate, it usually involves food. Friends bond over their mutual love of eating. There are so many places to choose from. Fast food restaurants, dine-ins, food courts, taco stands, and ice cream trucks; you name it. 
My research paper has allowed me to understand that in a way, food does connect people. There is such a social aspect to food. Food is the most enjoyable thing out there and we all like to enjoy it together. It's rare to hear about someone who does not enjoy eating despite our different tastes and values on what to eat. It's not completely our fault that we are so attracted to food. All the advertisements and endorsements have influenced people one way or another. Although it comes with a cost, it is almost always worth our time and money. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Trisha that food does connect people. Like you said we eat dinner together as a family or we invite guests over to share a meal. When we eat food from cultures that are different from our own we can learn about other people's cultures which connects different people.


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