Thursday, April 10, 2014

Doing this research paper, I realized eating insects are not that bad and it's considered more healthy for you than meats. 80 percent of the world makes insects their main dishes; eating whole crickets, grasshoppers, worms, etc. It may seem a little disturbing to some people, but really if we get past the mind set of "It's gross" or "That's nasty" we may realize it really isn't all that bad. Insects have a lot of protein, fiber, and vitamins in them. Eating these bugs can't harm us, it could only help us health wise. In about twenty years from now, meat would become a limited resource because the world population would increase and there wouldn't be enough meat to supply everyone, so insects may be an option. We eat bugs everyday with out knowing anyway, why not try eating a whole bug just to see what it tastes like. Many people would find it disturbing, including myself, but that's all in the mind. If 80% of the world population could make it a main course, then it must not be that bad.

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