Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ban Corn!

Meat; It's very delicious when cooked right, but it can be even better when it has all of its proper ingredients. When reading the article, "When a Crop Becomes King" by Michael Pollan, I discovered that corn was used for almost every food product. Because the crop is widely grown, it is distributed at a very low cost; therefore, farmers buy a lot of it to feed their animals. Is anything wrong with this? Yes, in fact, red flags should be popping up everywhere. For one, corn for most animals, isn't supposed to be a primary source of food intake. Instead of making corn cheap, why can't farmers make less of it? Cows, whom normally eat grass, are expected to eat the over-produced crop and still produce the meat citizens want. Instead of wasting land farming an unnecessary crop, cows could be eating that land filled with grass. As I continued reading I found out that because of the lack of nutrients these animals get, they have to be fed antibiotics so that they won't become sick. Yuck! Knowing that the animals I consume on a weekly basis don't have the proper diets makes me not want to eat them any longer. Why are consumers paying so much, or so little, for these products when the amount of money being put into these animals probably don't even fit the criteria. Corn, king of the crops, should be banished. Why? Because not only is it effecting animals, it's effecting what we eat as well. It also is the most needy crop, needing more fertilizer as well as pesticides than any other. This is just how I feel after reading the article. How do you feel about it?


  1. I agree completely. I was surprised about how much corn is used in our foods. I think that it is a waste for the farmers to feed there animals corn especially when they know there are better foods for them to consume. What's worse is that the farmers know that corn isn't meant for the animals to consume but they feed to them anyways and give them antibiotics as if that would make it better. Sadly these farmers are trying to find the cheapest way to care for the animals so they can make more profit. They don't even care about how bad their actions are effecting our food. Less money should be spent on corn and more should towards the appropriate foods for animals.

  2. Yes Danae!! I'm glad you posted a blog on corn and how it impacts our food system. Yes, there are better ways to care for animals. Yes, there are alternatives to using corn to process food. Yes, there will always be a better choice that farmers are not going to ever consider. I feel we as people should make farmers aware of these alternatives!! Stop complaining about things we want to change and make a way to change them. It's why we are researching different topics. It's why we are becoming more knowledgeable about what we are eating. Food is vital to our survive, so let's make a plan & not worry about making more problems.

  3. Who would've known corn could cause such a problem. After ready this article I was very shocked. I agree with Gia when she said we should alert the farmers but something tells me they already know. It disappoints me that these animals are being forced fed corn to create an easy way to make more money. It's crazy how food can really affect an entire nation like this. Hopefully in the future we can become more knowledgeable about what we are really eating and make changes to improve our diet.


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