Thursday, April 3, 2014

Oooo look! Another Ted Talk.

     Now I don't expect you to watch this 20 min video like I did but this one is actually interesting. Although this video dates back to 2007, it's still somewhat relevant to today's school lunches. Ann Cooper brings up the point that children aren't only going to school to learn math, science or English; school is where they learn how to eat and what they like to eat. Most cafeteria lunches include chicken nuggets and corn dogs and pizza, but rarely do you find a salad bar or fruit cups with these meals. I understand that most school districts aren't able to afford organic food but we should really begin to think about what we consume during school hours. Most of what they're feeding us includes pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. Cooper says that "70 percent of all antibiotics consumed in America is consumed in animal husbandry." It surprised me when Cooper said the USDA allows these chemicals. Why cant they just feed us natural. appetizing, and health food, like is it really that difficult to put a fruit salad on my plate? So yeah, you know what they say, you are what you eat.
    Also from this video I learned that there aren't any chicken in the Tyson CHICKEN Nuggets. I'm not sure if that's still true to this day but it makes me pretty upset because those things are good.
    Did you know that this country contains more prisoners than farmers?! I think we need to get back to our roots because food is really important. We need to have less of this processed mess and get back to our healthy natural ways or else we end up shortening our life spans because of the way we eat.
    Cooper also said we need to start seeing food as part of our health and not just for the pleasure and satisfaction. I don't know about you but this Ted Talk really got me thinking. I really need to change my bad eat habit.
Here's a link to the video just in case you're interested : Ted Talk

1 comment:

  1. I actually sat through the whole 20 minutes and learned a whole bunch of new things about our current day American culture. The whole Tyson Chicken Nuggets things is absolutely crazy to me! I mean, how dare they claim to be chicken, but not actually contain any of the bird at all. Overall, I have learned a lot from Ted Talks, and all the other videos they have. I have grown very fond of the website ever since Fletch made me and Desiree sit down and watch one. They speak and preach about the truth and the future, and I am very interested in that kind of stuff. If you want to know more and get more insight, I suggest you click on the link and explore!


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