Monday, April 7, 2014

Not Another Article Post

After reading all of these articles I have really begin to consider what I consume. Sometimes I'll think twice before ordering a cheeseburger with fries at In-N-Out, but either way I give in to the delicious smell and begin eating the horrible processed meal. Is it just me? Like yeah I think about giving up processed foods but when I'm in a rush or I want a cheap meal I immediately forget about everything I've read. Well that's a lie; I don't forget but I'd rather enjoy my food in the moment and suffer the consequences later. But also when I'm at home and there is nothing to cook what am I supposed to do? I could simply just ask my mom to bring something home but still nine times out of ten it probably won't be healthy. Is it my fault that she gets tired after work and doesn't feel like cooking? I mean, maybe I could stop being lazy and go to the grocery store myself, but that doesn't mean I have time to cook the items as well, considering I'm still in high school and I have tons of homework to do. I think as I get older I'll make better decisions because I'll be more in charge of what I eat. But for now, I guess instead of going to McDonald's I can go to Subway. Well is Subway even that healthy? Oh well, it's a start!


  1. I totally understand where you're coming from Danae! I have been trying to eat healthier the last couple of months, and I do well until one of my friends wants to go eat out or my mom is just too tired to eat dinner. I also have the same problem as you of trying to cook if my mom doesn't, but I also don't have time between sports and homework. Its so hard to eat healthy and find time to exercise in our society, and I think that is a leading cause of the obesity epidemic in the United States. We just have to figure out a way to juggle everything and still have healthy habits(unfortunately).

  2. It really is hard to not give into the smell of a nice cheeseburger or nice salty fries so i completely understand because I used to eat everything not knowing what the hell I was consuming and looking back on it I feel like trying to eat better.

  3. It's alright I'm with you all the way on this! My parents hardly cook a healthy home cooked meal, but when they do it's usually once a week sadly. Other times I'm eating fast food meals every single night. And you're right, I can always walk to the store and get me ingredients to make myself a healthy home cooked meal but nowadays I'm occupied by doing homework as well.

  4. It's true, parents and children alike do get caught up with a lot of activities and work that we can care less of what we're eating. My parents get home pretty late from work and most of the time, one or the other comes home with fast food. My brother and I were totally okay with it until I began to get weary with the idea of basically eating junk food every night. So I'm rather more thankful every time my mother has the time to cook for us whether or not it has vegetables in it.

  5. Its always easiest to eat whats the fastest, which is most likely unhealthy. Everytime I tell myself to start eating healthy, I end up messing up because its always easiest to eat fast-food. Being that heathy food is more expensive, sometimes I don't have much money so I will buy whats the cheaper. My mom cooks home meals still, but I will sometimes not eat anything just so I won't eat unhealthy which seems just as bad.


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