Monday, April 7, 2014

Off topic but true

So we all thought we were struck with senior itis junior year, and we wanted to graduate already. That was just a minor cold, by now we all realize we are struck with full blown sit on your bunz' and glide through high school. By now we also should have figured out that isn't going to work; high school has become elementary school in the eyes of business. If u want a good paying job your best bet is at least a Bachelors. The world is growing, jobs are shrinking, and competition is increasing, soon high school graduates will have more trouble keeping jobs when they surpass a certain age. I think if I needed to get rid of senior itis tell student we have six years of high school and by the last quarter of their fourth year tell them they're done. Though this wouldn't last long before the secret broke out, it's a thought that would postpone the lazy draw backs before the flood gates open. Well I'm just glad it's almost the end of our high school lives, I will miss it, but I am glad to open my eyes into the real world. I'm ready to fend for myself, and be the go getter; I will grab life by the reins and see where it takes me.


  1. I agree with you 100% Tiffany because having just a high school diploma is not enough to land you a well paying jobs. Since increase in population and students graduating there is hardly any well paying jobs left and if one is available the competition is high and hard. For this reason when some colleges say they are 4-year what they actually mean is more than 5 years.

  2. I also agree. I got hit with senior itis last month. I didn't think it really existed, and if it did i thought I'd be able to get rid of it quickly, but I was wrong. Senior itis is a problem. We can't give up now, if anything, this is the time we push to do the best we ever did in high school; go out with a bang. But unfortunately that's not the case. It's hard to get rid of. A lot of us think "Well I worked hard 9th through 11th grade. 12th grade is my "kick back" year." It shouldn't be like that. 12th grade should be "I'm going to do my best to get the best grades I've gotten my entire high school life." I'm also trying to apply this mindset to myself, because I feel like Senior itis is about to take over in about a month.


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