Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Preservatives are worse than you expected

My topic for my research paper is how artificial preservatives are causing people to have autoimmune diseases. I have done a lot of research, and blogger Dr. Parsons certainly affirms this.
Dr. Parsons shares her struggles of having several autoimmune diseases in her blog post titled “Why I Eat a (Mostly) Gluten- Free Diet”. Parsons claims that she believes that once she got one autoimmune disease her constant intake of gluten caused the development of many other autoimmune diseases she was later diagnosed with.  Parsons states that more and more research is showing a link between inflammation, autoimmune diseases and gluten sensitivity. Gluten causes inflammation, and the key part of an autoimmune disease is inflammation.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you've posted this! This goes right along with my research topic and I feel as though not enough people are aware of the effects that theird diet has on their health. Although diet doesn't seem powerful, it really is and it just may be the difference between living a healthy, pain free life or suffering.
    In addition, I too read something about how there may be something within the foods that we eat, possibly the excitotoxins, that causes fibromyalgia!


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