Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Berry has a Point

"The Pleasures of Eating" by Wendell Berry encourages people to eat responsibly. The current agricultural acts are unhealthy and we as consumers do not know what is fresh or what is free of dangerous chemicals. We just walk in the store and buy the food because we do not think that the food is killing us slowly but surely.Why would we even want something that is killing us? As consumers we don't even know where the farms that are supplying us foods are located. Berry describes food as an abstract idea. Every person evaluates food differently. Some look at it as just something we are going to eat and others may look deep into to find out where our food is coming from. We as consumers do need to know about the quality of our food because what we are eating could be killing us slowly and we do not even know it. I completely agree with Berry because we as people are passive consumers. I never thought much about where my food came from or how it was produced until now.  The food industry has fooled us into thinking that the food they sell to us is safe, healthy, and quick so it can be eaten on the go. Berry has pointed out some great reasons on why we should "eat responsibly".


  1. I agree with Berry as well because buying food not knowing where it came for is like buying a used car you don't always know whats good or bad about it. So Berry really made me think over all the fast food I ate and makes me want to eat more responsibly.

  2. If you showed me Berry's article last year, I would have brushed it off or even laughed; however, now I couldn't agree more. So much more goes into our foods than we think or may even realize. It's crazy almost! I think every American should read and consider his article because he has a strong argument.

  3. Yup! I agree with you and Wendell Berry completely! I always thought farmers did ceverything in such a different and more respectful way towards animals until now. I feel as if we should make a change and adjust to the situation by eating less meat and not eat as much fast food on the daily that can consist of meat. However, most likely people aren't willing to become a vegetarian. So all we can do is hope for the best and hope the farmers consider changing their ways.

  4. I thought Berry's article was an eye opener as well. I too am guilty for just consuming food with ignorance because I enjoy eating almost everything. People should read this article so they can be aware of what they're eating. The foods we eat are actually not as good for us as we thought.


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