Thursday, April 10, 2014

A "clean" diet really does make a difference

     Over the last couple of months, I've been on a very strict gluten free, soy free, dairy free, and red meat free diet, and it's changed my life! So of course, when we were assigned a research paper, I picked a topic that would allow me to look into this farther.
     To further specify, the topic I chose is how diet effects fibromyalgia, which is autoimmune and connective tissue disorder. Through my research I have found that I am not alone, and that many people who changed their diet to accommodate their chronic pain disorders benefitted as well; furthermore, I found multiple case studies that concluded with the same result- every patient that changed their diet experienced sympotom relief. However, dietary changes are still not seen as a possible treatment for this disease and in most cases, modern medicine will always trump diet when treatment is being prescribed. Weird.
     What do you guys think? Do you feel as though diet really has that much power or do you think that modern medicine Os the only reliable answer?

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