Thursday, December 12, 2013

Waiting for results....

        Well here I am again ranting about college. I'm going to admit I'm starting to become a bit jealous of my friends that are beginning to receive their college acceptance letters. Don't get me wrong, I love to hear about their acheivements but a part of me feels a bit lame for not being able to share such good news with them. I feel like I should've invested more time into looking for the right college for me. This whole process is so new to me and I still have no idea as to what to do when it comes to applying for out-of-states and looking for scholarships and financial aid and what not. And being the stubborn person that I am, I prefer to figure it out on my own rather than asking for help. That is a habit that I'm trying to break because right now I need help. I really want to make my family proud by being the first to apply, attend and graduate from a four year college and I also want to be able to set up a good foundation for the rest of my life.
        I finally made the decision to major in Kinesiology and I'm not sure which college would be the best for my field of study. Everything is feeling so rushed right now. I feel like I didn't have enough time with actually checking out schools that had that major. I have current school work, winterguard practices, homework, tests that i needed to study for and on top of that everyone is rushing me to fill out applications as soon as possible. And now that all of the applications are over I have to wait for the results and start thinking about financial aid. I'm so overwhelmed at this point. I'm just scared that I am missing something. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?


  1. Ah! Same here. I feel that I should have started applying to college in August so I wouldn't have felt so rushed. I was too lazy to do so because I knew applications weren't due until November. Now that I look back I feel like I should have applied sooner. I want to become a pharmacist so I used Google to help find colleges. I'm not sure if they were graduate or undergraduate colleges actually. Once I began applying to colleges they didn't have the option of choosing Pharmacy. Most were either pre-pharmacy, biology, chemistry, etc.. So for most of the colleges I applied to I put Bio-Chem major. I'm still not sure if that's the choice I should have chosen but I guess I'll find out sooner or later. I wish there was like a handbook that tells you EXACTLY what to do when applying to colleges. Or even if there was a book of exact majors for whatever you want to become. It would make the whole application process easier. Don't worry though, I haven't received any acceptance letters yet anyway. Well most of my colleges are away. lol. We'll get them though ! :)

  2. I know exactly where you both are coming from. I was way to lazy and didn't used my time as efficiently as I could have. It sucked having to rush through my applications, and I do feel like if I did it earlier it would have been a better representation of myself. But I also know that stressing is a part of this process and eventually when you get your acceptance letters it will be worth it. I seen both of you in class and can honestly say you two are some of the smartest people I ever met. Keep your heads up and hopes high. I know both you will reach your goals.

  3. Don't even worry Desiree! You're never alone when it comes to all this stuff! All of us are dealing with this. I didn't know what I wanted to major in but i just thought what do i really love? I know you hear that all the time to just do what you love. But honestly i just thought about it deeply and i got what i wanted to do. Just think what can't you go a day without? For me it's listening to music. And if you don't like the school you end up attending then you could always transfer out! Just keep working hard and you'll graduate and make your family proud i know it.(:

  4. I know exactly how you feel, especially when you mentioned how hard it is to hear from all your friends about where they've most recently got accepted and I'm here still working on my applications. I am so mad at myself for not doing early application because I wouldn't be this stressed and worried right now, and I would be learning where I did and didn't get accepted. Also, the 3 private universities I am applying to have extensive short answer and essay questions that take up so much time. But we have to stay positive! In a month or two everyone will be done with all of this and we can finally breathe again.


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