Thursday, December 19, 2013

Senior year

We are finally here, and we find ourselves wanting to be rid of high school. The first couple years were great, fun, easy, fast now this year all we want  is it to be out on our own. We want to have fun in our own ways, and not think once about school anymore. To put it straight guys we have a semester left; we can't slack off or get sick of school. This is the year you have been working toward, but this year will set the tone of your life. We hear this all to often now it`s either college, join the army, or just work. We all know that last option will get you minimum wage at a dead end job, military works for some people, but college if you have patience and work hard to get a masters or doctorate you can live comfortable. Life is hard, harder then it use to be. We need to make the right choices

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