Saturday, December 21, 2013

Response to Rifkin

Just as I had written in the essay we did in class, I responded to Rifkin's article by agreeing that animals are a lot alike us humans whether we like it or not. There is scientific evidence and just general ideas such as they give birth like we do, they react to pain like we do, and they eat and drink to survive like we do. And for some reason I began to think about turning the tables. Are WE a lot like them? But I think we try to be like them through our advancing technology. Maybe we got the idea of airplanes from flying birds, fast sports cars from jaguars, and the idea of being able to breathe underwater from fishes. Without the living functions of animals, we wouldn't be able to do those kinds of things. We unconsciously built our technology based upon animals. We somehow are like them as well.

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