Thursday, December 12, 2013

people first, animals second

Bob Stevens in response to "A Change of Heart about Animals" asks if 'animals are more important than human children'? This really stuck with me because in our society it seems as if we treat animals more importantly than humans sometimes. I tend to see more commercials about helping animals throughout the world then I do helping humans throughout the world. I am not saying animals shouldn't be cared about, but I feel our priorities should be leaning more towards help out our fellow humans and then we can help the animals. I believe that helping starving children is slightly more important than giving animals rights, and making sure pigs are happy. We need to get our affairs in order before we worry about another's.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. I noticed that I see more animal right commercials and less about helping people. I believe you got this spot on and we do need to get our priorities together. There is nothing wrong with helping animals and there is noting wrong with the commercials on television, but it does become a problem when animals are put first and people second. I couldn't agree more.


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