Monday, December 16, 2013

Somewhere between the extremes.

All the animal rights arguments irritate me because it is very polarizing and there is no real answer. I hate questions like this because people try as hard as they can defend argument with no real facts. The vegetarians drown you with their argument. The animal experimenters drown you with their argument. Now scientist are even trying to judge if they should take an animals life based on whether it's smart or not. I know I have to pick a side, but I'm actually stuck in the middle. This is because I feel that killing animals for food and protection is justified, but killing animals in a cruel and unusual way is not. In the bible, it reads that some animals are meant to be killed and eaten. Also, killing predators that attack your sheep, or threaten our survival, is not a sin. This basic rule makes so much sense to me. Eating animals is a part of life; it is a way to sustain ourselves. Just because our society has evolved hunters to office workers, does not mean we have to change our diet. Also, we should  always have the right to protect ourselves from predators. But where I am against the killing of animals is when they are hurt and experimented on for no good reason. I've read stories of rabbits who have had their eyes melted away because a scientist is supposedly testing cosmetics. This is an example of cruelty that should be stopped. Especially because there are so many alternate ways to test the product, like skin cultures and virtual simulations. However, worrying about the animals intelligence or emotions is a little too far for me. The main reason we shouldn't be treating animals cruelly it because it is morally incorrect. Some people feel the reason should be because they are similar to us.  Does this mean that a gorilla should be pampered because it is similar and a turtle tortured because it is different? This argument makes no sense to me. In my opinion, a human is a human and  an animal is an animal. The sole reason should be because it is the right thing to do. So basically, I feel animals being killed for sustenance and protection is extremely reasonable, and I feel some pro-animal rights groups are being unreasonable. Converting the whole population to vegetarians is impossible, and treating animals like humans is ridiculous.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with you Paul just because I'm half and half on this argument in my head. In the article it says how we slaughter animals inhumanely, though I think what's more inhumane is how much people eat animals, I mean I do too, but how would a cow feel if I ate a hamburger in front of it? I don't think it would know... but I would feel guilty. But when you think about it... giving animals human rights will make us vegetarians... I really can't do that. Unless I started vegetarian.


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