Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Animal Rights

My feelings directly to the article "A Change of Heart about Animals" is half and half in my head... I haven't really picked a side, but I think after hearing what I say and what people have blogged about, I believe I may side the side that it is taking it could be taking it a bit too far. Personally, I think it would be difficult to draw a line somewhere. We do abuse animals a lot when we don't think about it, I think it's fair that they should have better animal rights, but isn't human rights a little too far? Animals were put on the Earth for us to use, to eat. Some animals can eat us too, dangerous creatures, though we don't know if they can be friendly. In my opinion, we should just treat animals with more care so they don't abuse us. Hitting them, cursing at them, caging them. I mean, I don't own any pets so I don't know what it's like to have own a domestic animal. We tame them, some people abuse them, some people experiment on animals, but most of us care for domestic animals. Some experiments are harmless, but can be used for data on the animal (to know more about the animal and to know what to do and what not to do with that creature). In conclusion, giving animals human rights is just taking it a bit too far, we don't know what they are really capable of... Some animals are very intelligent, but they aren't like us. Human and animal rights should be separate in my opinion.

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