Thursday, December 12, 2013

Chimpanzees, Gorillas. Humans... They're All the Same!?

         Are you for or against animal's rights? Over the past couple of weeks we have been reading a packet filled with articles debating and informing us about animal rights research. I, personally, do not really agree that animals should have complete rights like that of humans. In the article "Of Primates and Personhood: Will According Rights and "Dignity" to Nonhuman Organisms Halt Research?", I was very shocked to see that environmental committees are attempting to give legal rights to chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutans. In paragraph three of this article it basically says that scientists would no longer be able to use these creatures for experiments. I questioned this by asking "Why only these animals? What about the rest?" So I looked up online and discovered that chimpanzees are humans closest living relatives. ( I feel that knowing this, it should be okay for scientists to use these animals for useful experiments that could help mankind. For example. What if you or a relative or a close friend had a disease that doctors didn't know the cure to? Would you want them to experiment on you to find a cure? Or would you want them to give the disease to an animal some how and then look for cures? Or what if they had a cure for the disease but they found it by testing on animals? Would you not want the cure because they had to test on animals to find it? NO! Because obviously your life is more important than that of the animal. If these animals aren't being experimented on just for fun, what's the problem with it? Plus, it's not like they're going extinct! So do you still agree that animals shouldn't be tested on?
Is there a resemblance?


  1. I agree with you 100 percent, animals shouldn't be given the same rights as humans. I find it quite silly and a bit weird that there are so many papers on this. Like the chimp Haisl who is "homeless". How can a monkey be homeless, should we really give a monkey a home when some humans don't even have one?

  2. Im half and half with you danae. I get where you're coming from because people always say protect your own kind first. But if you think about it, what if you were the animal? Would you like to be treated that way? I know people would just say but I'm not. I get that you're not but what if? Theirs always that 'what if' factor. People always say put your self in their shoes. I just feel that their should be certain rights for animals. As long as they're not being treated inhumanly, that's all I honestly care about. We do have to put a barrier between us and we should always be above animals cause we're more advanced than them plain and simple.

  3. I completely agree with you that animals should be experimented on, but strictly for medical research to benefit human kind. You used a great example of this experimentation being so valuable because of its strides in science on deadly diseases so that it can cure thousands of people. I think some activists are taking all of this way too far and they need to take it down a notch. However, no animal should be tortured or treated cruelly just for the sake of doing so. That is immoral and I fully believe that should be punishable by law.


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