Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Give animals rights or just think about their feelings?

   "A Change of Heart about Animals", written by Jeremy Rifkin is about how animals are very similar to human beings.  Who knew animals experience affection, depression, excitement or stress?  Rifkin talks about a study that compares humans and rats, which shows that when “they play, their brains release large amounts of dopamine” which is related with excitement in human beings.
    Rifkin emphasizes that animals should have better treatment due to the lack of compassion animals are given. Rifkin concentrates on how animals are intelligent creatures and need to be protected. This made me think about the last time my family and I went to the zoo. The animals did look unhappy and some even turned their backs to people. It’s like the animals are being put in jail that’s probably why they attack people, they’re depressed. They are taken away from their family and their home for our own enjoyment. I don’t think that’s right. I wouldn’t want to be taken away from my family and have to live in a room or a cage for the rest of my life.
    Bob Stevens questions Rifkin’s article and believes he’s trying to convince us that animals should have more rights than humans. He knows that animals have feelings but he also knows they cannot perform task such as “writing a poem or grocery list”.  
     I think we should take the animals feelings into consideration. I understand they are not human and cannot complete everyday task like we do but, they do have feelings. Think about how it feels to be neglected or unloved, you would not want to feel that every day so why should the animals? I do not think they should have rights but, I think they should be treated better than how they are being treated. Don’t you?


  1. As stated in my post, I also agree that animals should be treated better. Also, now that I've had time to think about it, I don't think that they should have rights in order to get this respect. Some Rifkin believes animals should have rights because they are "similar" to humans, but no matter how similar they are to humans, they are never going to be humans. So the treatment of animals should be better but I'm not sure how it will be done.

  2. Exactly, yes animals can do things that we never thought they could but, they cannot complete task humans complete. An animal cannot drive a car. They deserves more compassion but giving them rights is going a bit too far. Many people are not going to up hold their rights. I am not sure how it will be done either because there are so many people mistreating animals.

  3. I agree with what you say Kiara. When I was reading this article by Jeremy Rifkin all I could think was how the animals are feeling (if that makes any sense). Animals do feel pain, they get happy, they get lonely without their partner, etc. You're also right, they should be treated better but some animals belong where they are and that is in a zoo. If you put an animal back into his habitat he wouldn't survive only because he is so used to being by himself or by a couple others.

  4. I agree with you completely. They shouldn't be put on a pedestal but they shouldn't be treated the way they are. The only animals that should be taken out of their natural habitat are the animals that are being used for testing, which should be for medical reasons only, and animals for consumption. Other than that animals should be free, we wouldn't have to worry about their rights if they were in the wild on their own.

  5. I really agree with this post. Animals experience the same feelings we do, and they should be treated better. Being that they experience a lot of the things we experience makes me think about what they might go through. Just like Kiara said, I wouldn't want anyone to take me away from my family, nor would I want someone to take part of my family from me.


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