Thursday, December 12, 2013

I dont think we should be trying to give animals human rights because if you start with one species of animals on human rights then where will we draw the line? Although do you think we should be treating animals anyway we want and disregaurding them afterwards I dont really think thats right either. Would you want your pet (if you have one) to be kicked around during some stand-up act and then thrown out into the street afterwards. I believe we should be give the animals we use some sort of curtisy and not just use abuse and leave them to die.


  1. Yeeeaaaahhh!! Survival of the fittest? I mean we have to eat what we got to eat right? Most of us will keep on eating the slaughtered animals for a source of energy? (abused cows? in-n-out, carls jr.?) But I believe the smaller animals should have more respect and should be treated with more care. Though some don't respect us back...

  2. Animals are like us in emotion and, feeling but I don't see them solving physics or talking. I think it's fair to give animals the right to dignity and to assure we don't abuse them or our resources but to give them animal right is to far.


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