Thursday, December 12, 2013

Animal Repect vs Animal Rights

 I  am glad to know I 'm not the only one who thinks this whole animal rights thing is silly. I mean I love animals and I do believe they should be treated with respect. However, I don't believe they should be put at the same level as humans. I find when it comes to animal rights movements monkeys are always the prime subject. For some reason many people belive because of monkeys similarities and genetic backround they should be put at the same level as humans. I don't think that should happen, true monkeys do have a genetic connection to humans, but I think everyone's for getting there not humans physically or mentally. When monkeys start creating civilizations similar to our own and well meeting humans level then they can qualify.Now I know that sounds harsh but the truth hurts. Animals are not humans nor should they be treated as such. In the article "Of Primates and Personhood: Will According Rights and "Dignity" to Nonhuman Organisms Halt Research?", a research monkey named Haisl is trying to achieve a human rights so he wont be homeless. I thinks its crazy to give a monkey a home when a lot of humans don't even have one. In another article German scientist were giving pigs toys so they wouldn't be depressed. Pigs? Really? What about all the little children who won't be receiving a gift for Christmas. Or what about the other 'depressed' animals. Should slugs be given toys now too. What you guys think?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on this Siah. It is a little ridiculous that a monkey is given a home and may be giving human rights, and for what? It doesn't make any sense. It's mind boggling to me because we need to look after our own first then help the animals that really need it. There should be some type of line drawn for animal rights and the monkey having a home and fighting for human rights is crossing the line. I couldn't agree with you more.


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