Friday, November 1, 2013

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both."

The title is the beginning of one of my favorite poems, "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. It is basically about a traveler who is presented with two paths and he chooses the scarier one and it ends up being good.
This whole "major" thing has brought me to a fork in the road. My entire life I've said that I wanted to be a lawyer. However, as I fill out my college applications, I am so reluctant to click Pre-Law as my major. All adults tell us to do is, "pick something you love" but what if I do not know what I love yet. I wanted to be a lawyer because it seems like a job that brings in money and power. I really don’t know if I will genuinely enjoy this because Mayfair does not offer any classes on just pure law. The alternative could be for me to pick a fun major but it would be less prestigious. The question in my mind now is either to choose to be wealthy but struggle to go to work every day or love my job but worry about paying my bills every month. Both bring unhappiness but I prefer the lawyer version. I'd rather be sad about my job and happy with my free time then be happy at my job and have no spending money. I know this is a naive way to pick a major but I really am lost. I really do not understand how colleges expect us to know what to do with our entire life right after graduation. I personally do not want to decide the rest of my life at 17. But I also don't want to be one of those "lost kids" in college who wastes their parent’s money with no goal (my parents have no money so it would be money I worked for). It's hard to figure out the road less traveled because both roads have been taken over and over. Instead of the road less traveled, I need to find the best road for P.J. and as of now I don't know which one it is.

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