Friday, November 1, 2013


      We are finally seniors! At first over the summer I couldn't grasp the fact that I only had one more year left in high school and to be honest that scared me! To me it is a nerve racking, excited, and scary thing all at once because we are entering the real world, are adults, and will be going to college! Anyways we came a long way, especially if you attended Mayfair ever since seventh grade! However their is no excuse to slack off or get "senioritis" just because we almost accomplished what we have been waiting for. We should enjoy our senior year not only with our friends but educationally, join sports, get involved with clubs, and volunteering anywhere. All I have to say is that we are already done with our first quarter so do not give up or discourage yourself because you know what? We can do it, just like Nike! Lets go Class of 2014!

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